Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Prostate Health Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Before reading any article, you might want to read the Ezine article written by Chic Ngo, showing you how to obtain all information which you want to collect.
How to Search For Information You Need
In general, finding information free on search engines requires a lot of patience and is time consuming. Free websites most likely provide only limited information if you are searching for something important. The best choice is to buy it because bought information is usually written by specialists and is copyrighted. [August 13, 2008 10:25:46 am] By Chic Ngo

After a Prostate Cancer Diagnosis - The Facts by Aaron Prather
Prostate cancer is considered to be the most frequently diagnosed cancer among men in the United States and men's second leading cause of death to cancer. While the disease claims nearly 30,000 deaths a year, there is growing evidence that educational efforts leading for its early detection and diagnosis are resulting in lower mortality.

2. Prostate Cancer Information - How to Find Reputable Sources by Michelle Spencer
Each year approximately 186,000 men in the United States will receive the diagnosis that they have prostate cancer and, in a bid to beat the second leading cancer that kills men, will begin looking for prostate cancer information. It is estimated that 40,000 men die from prostate cancer every year and 38,000 have their prostates removed either by radiation or surgery.

3. Signs of Prostate Cancer? What Are They? by Brian Richards
In most of the cases of prostate cancer, at the early stages, the signs of prostate cancer will be very little or none. In this situation the men folks should be very careful about the warning symptoms to suspect the occurrence of prostate cancer. You should be very vigilant for any of the small tips and get necessary medical diagnosis as early as possible with the help of a prostate expert.

What is Meant by Prostate Health? by Brian Richards
Aging is a natural process and no human being is out of this net. Process of aging is a biological phenomenon and is mostly affected by the living conditions, diseases, life styles and environments. Health is extremely important to lead a proper and meaningful life. Health, in a broader sense, means physical, mental and social well-being, and not the absence of illness. It is possible that many diseases can affect the body when you are aging. Deteriorating of the health, including prostate health, can cause worry, but it should not dampen the activities of the individual.

5. Prostate Biopsy Procedures - All About Them by Brian Richards
When you suspect some prostate related disorders, you will definitely go to a specialist doctor to confirm whether there is a cancerous growth or not. Mostly after some initial diagnostic procedures, the doctor will suggest you get a prostate biopsy procedure. What is a prostate biopsy procedure? It is one of the diagnostic tools to determine the occurrence of cancer in the prostate glands.

6. All About Laser Prostate Treatment by Brian Richards
Prostate treatment is always risky. Laser prostate treatment is a modern technique with the state of art technology and most modern sophisticated medical equipments are used in laser prostate treatment to treat the prostate related problems. This brand new facility is available in Jacksonville Mayo Clinic. Laser prostate treatment is a better option for the treatment of prostate disorders and better cure is assured with this new brand Laser prostate treatment, if patient is diagnosed with the problem sufficiently early.

7. Prostate Cancer - Best Treatment Advice by Brian Richards
A recent study revealed that prostate cancer is one the prime reasons of men's mortality. It is reported that the severe effects of prostate cancer affect thousands and thousands of American men population, most of them are above 65 years of age. In fact these elderly citizens, hoping to enjoy their rest of life in peace and happiness, are now haunted by the thought of deadly prostate cancer.

8. Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment - Know More About Them by Brian Richards
Many men who are suffering from prostate are nowadays opting for alternative prostate cancer treatment, which is known as Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) Treatments. This alternative prostate cancer treatment includes the holistic alternative medicines, herbal concentrates, naturopathy, yoga, meditations, many varieties of exercises and massages. The treatment will be supplementing the regular treatment under a prostate expert or will be taken alone under the umbrella of conventional treatments.

9. Prostate Cancer Mortality Rate by James Kernal
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancer killers in the UK and US for men, although if it is caught early before it has spread outside of the prostate gland then chances of successful treatment are high. In the UK, after lung cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cause of cancer death, although It has only been recently that it has begun to get the amount of research for a cure that it needs.

10. Prostate Cancer New Treatment - There is Hope For Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer by James Kernal
In July 2008, there was a media frenzy over the new drug "abiraterone" which a clinical study claimed dramatically reduced the size of a prostate tumor and had long term benefits that greatly outweighed any other treatment on the market. As prostate cancer is such a common and deadly disease amongst men it is little wonder there was such intense media coverage of this story.

11. 6 Ways to Cope With Prostate Cancer by Steff X
Mental strength and determination is the greatest weapon in enduring taxing prostate cancer treatment and overcoming its many side effects. This article highlights ways to handle the pressure, despair, fear, embarassment, hopelessness and discomfort along the bumpy ride of prostate cancer treatments.

12. Best Treatment For Prostate Cancer? by Lyne Doxley
The choices you make in treating prostate cancer depend on a multitude of variables. That is why we've written this article so you can inform yourself what the options are in terms of treating prostate cancer.

13. Vasectomy and Prostate Cancer by Sharon A Bell
One scare story about vasectomy is that it causes prostate cancer. This began when two new studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that men who had a vasectomy more than 20 years earlier faced an 89 percent greater risk of prostate cancer than those who have not undergone the procedure.

14. Signs of Testicular Cancer - All Men Should Know These! by Carlo Rinaudo
Do you know the early signs and symptoms of testicular cancer? All men MUST know these, and this article goes through in a few points some easy to follow ways of looking for early signs of cancer of the testes. Taking 5 minutes of your time, could help increase your chances of recovery and survival from this common type of cancer. You owe it to yourself!

15. 4 Key Facts About Love Handle Exercise and Avoiding Cancer by Brian Jackway
A single bout of love handle exercise, or any sustained workout for that matter, can bring a definite decrease in the chances of getting advanced prostate cancer, according to recent research from the International Journal of Cancer. This research again brings a strong message - Sedentary lifestyles can be very dangerous for your health. The opposite is true as well.

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